Overcoming Burnout: A Cannabis Wellness Transformation

Discover how to deal with burnout and become the best version of yourself. 

Can you relate?

  • Are you caught up in endless demands of your children’s needs and household chores, with no time for yourself?

  • Are you irritated with restless sleep, inconsistent meals, and limited movement?

  • Are you so overwhelmed that ‌it’s affecting your mood, energy levels, and overall health?

  • Are you seeking effective relief from pain and symptoms, without any troublesome side effects?

  • Are you confused about how to properly use cannabis to help you feel better?

  • Are you neglecting your own mental health, brushing off feelings of anxiety or depression as 'normal' parts of motherhood? 

  • Are you yearning for a sense of balance and control over your life, but don't know where to start?

If you’re nodding ‘Yes’ then we need to chat.

Believe it or not, there’s a better way.

Life as a mom feels like an endless cycle of responsibilities, with little time to take care of ourselves the way ‌we desire.

The guilt and stress can be overwhelming, leaving us stuck in a cycle of bad habits.

It can feel impossible to see, but there is a better way. 

You don't have to feel lost in your own life, buried under the heavy expectations and responsibilities.

Your experiences and feelings are valid, and it's okay to admit that you're struggling.

Many moms experience feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion, and disconnect, even if they don't talk about them openly. 

Imagine a life where you feel balanced, fulfilled, and in control. A life where you're able to enjoy the little moments with your kids, rather than constantly worrying about the next task on your to-do list.

 A life where you have time and energy for your own interests and needs, without feeling guilty about it.

This life is possible, and it's closer than you might think. 


Imagine your ideal life.

  • Wake up refreshed, ready to conquer the day.

  • Abundant energy for all the things without feeling drained.

  • Feel confident as a mom, without the pressure of perfection.

  • Carve out guilt-free time for self-care and rejuvenation.

  • Take control to create a positive environment.

  • Find a balance that prioritizes your needs and responsibilities.

  • Set boundaries and ask for help without feeling guilty.

  • Make your mental health a priority, quietly caring for yourself.

  • Pursue passions and hobbies that ignite your soul.

  • Celebrate small victories and milestones along the way.

  • Surround yourself with positivity and inspiring influences.

  • Be open to learning and expanding your knowledge.

Don’t Stop There.

  • Empower yourself with informed choices for your health.

  • Recognize and embrace your inner strength as a woman.

  • Stay grounded and present through mindfulness.

  • Seek and embrace support on your journey.

  • Explore the healing potential of cannabis.

  • Maximize each day and plan for the future.

  • Create a harmonious home where happiness resides.

  • Take action and pursue your dreams.

If this resonates with you, then it’s time to make yourself a priority and learn how to deal with burnout.

Believe in yourself and we can make it happen.

Hi, I’m Reneé, your new mom friend and partner for your journey through overcoming burnout.

As a mom myself, I've walked in your shoes experiencing firsthand the exhaustion and overwhelm of motherhood. 

It's easy to lose ourselves during the daily grind, but please remember — you are not just a mom. 

You are an incredible human being that juggles endless responsibilities and plays many different roles, all while taking care of your family.

My 'Cannabis Wellness Transformation' is designed to address challenges like nutrition, physical activity, sleep quality, and mindset management.

You will learn how to overcome burnout by creating a sustainable lifestyle that brings energy, balance and happiness to your daily life. 

Whether you're looking to overcome health challenges, increase your energy levels, or find a moment of calm in your chaos, this is your opportunity to enhance your quality of life.

Learn how to deal with burnout, say goodbye to overwhelm and embrace more of the things you love.

Real Moms, Real Solutions

I'm so grateful for the coaching sessions. I learned a lot about myself and cannabis. I'm stronger than ever. I now know what to do when I'm stuck in my head. I never knew what to do before. Thank you.”

— Marie Eve L.

"When I first started, I was totally overwhelmed by the information on cannabis. Thanks to Reneé, I have confidence and finally found what works best for me. Overcoming burnout feels within my reach"

— Lulu O.

"Before working with Reneé, I was alone in my struggles, like I would never learn how to deal with burnout. Since going through her coaching program, my life feels a little less crazy and a bit more magical."

— Jennie R.

Are you curious enough to take a leap? 

If you're ready to:

★ Overcome burnout and revitalize your energy.

★ Find the right cannabis use for you and your lifestyle.

★ Create a personalized routine that nourishes your needs and wants.

★ Connect with someone who empathizes with your struggles and celebrates your victories.

★ Embrace the magic of motherhood while living life as the best version of yourself.

Then you, my friend, are ready for the Cannabis Wellness Transformation. 

Introducing The Cannabis Wellness Transformation

You Matter! So, let’s explore how to deal with burnout.

  • Struggling to maintain a balanced diet?
    I'll help you nourish your mind and body through healthy choices.

  • Having trouble adding movement to your daily routine?
    I've got simple strategies to keep moving throughout the day.

  • Struggling with sleep issues?
    I’ll give you tips and techniques to improve your sleep quality and quantity.

  • Stressed and overwhelmed?
    Let me help you cultivate an optimistic and peaceful mindset.

  • Feeling overcome by burnout? 
    I’ll help you discover ways to deal with stress and find a sense of calm.

  • Want to improve other areas of your life? 
    We'll set intentions and goals to get you there.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by cannabis information? 
    Let's explore the facts and how it can help you be your best self.

Your Cannabis Wellness Transformation Includes:

  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions

    Over sixty days, we meet once a week, diving deep into areas important to your overall well-being. We'll conquer hurdles with nutrition, movement, sleep, and mindset while exploring the benefits of intentional cannabis use.

    Feel empowered as you ‌effectively manage burnout, achieve optimal health, and fully immerse yourself in living the best version of yourself.

  • E-Mail, Messaging, and Voxer

    Our weekly connection doesn't end with our coaching calls.

    You will have continuous access to me through email, private messaging, or Voxer, a voice messaging app.

    This means that whenever you have a question or need guidance, I'll be there to provide personalized support.

  • Private Cannabis Forum

    Join the Well With Cannabis inclusive community of like-minded cannabis enthusiasts!

    Inside this censor-free forum, you can connect with fellow cannabis lovers while exploring the health benefits of cannabis.

    Immerse yourself in this uplifting community to unlock a wealth of knowledge and shared experiences.

  • Bonus Resources

    As we discover your needs and desires, I'll offer resources that go beyond our core focus.

    This can include nutritional advice, movement tips, strategies for managing mindset, and even spiritual guidance.

    My goal is to provide the tools needed to make life happier, healthier, and more meaningful.

Common Questions & Answers

  • Yes!

    It is designed to identify the causes of burnout and provide sustainable strategies, tools, and resources to overcome it.

    Over time, I have seen amazing transformations in moms from all walks of life with different levels of burnout.

  • The Cannabis Wellness Transformation is a unique program that combines personalized coaching, holistic wellness practices, and intentional cannabis use.

    Let's find the root causes of your burnout and create a safe space to boost energy, improve sleep, and cultivate a healthy mindset.

    You'll also develop a personalized cannabis routine and gain knowledge to make conscious choices for your health and wellness.

  • Definitely!

    This experience is designed to seamlessly fit into your life.

    Our coaching sessions are flexible and I offer support through email, Voxer and the Well with Cannabis community.

    My aim is to lighten your load, not add to it.

  • The Cannabis Wellness Transformation is all about investing in your health and well-being.

    In return, you'll get a boost in energy, healthier nutrition and movement habits, improved stress management skills, and a mindset upgrade.

    Ultimately, you'll achieve a better quality of life that's absolutely priceless!

  • Absolutely!
    I'll meet you at your current level and guide you from there, ensuring that the information provided is clear, helpful, and easy to comprehend. We'll create a plan that works for your lifestyle and goals, regardless of your cannabis experience.

  • Each experience is unique and adaptable to your personal needs.

    If certain methods don't resonate with you, we will make adjustments to ensure we stay on the path to overcoming burnout.

Become the best version of yourself and learn how to deal with burnout TODAY!

You're not alone in your struggles or aspirations. I've been through the same challenges and came out on top.

Let me be your guide on an adventure towards better health.

This isn't a one-size-fits-all journey; it's a commitment personalized to your unique needs and goals to transform from surviving motherhood to thriving.

With my holistic wellness plan, personalized coaching, and cannabis knowledge, you'll gain the tools, resources, and companionship to make a rewarding transformation.

This experience is not about changing who you are, but empowering you to become the best version of yourself.

Invest in your wellness today because you deserve a life filled with good health, energy, happiness, and a positive mindset.

You deserve to experience the joy of motherhood without compromising your well-being and self-care.

No more allowing stress and overwhelm to steal you away from the moments that matter most.

Start your journey to a better life now!

Overcoming burnout is not just a destination; it’s a journey.

Let me be your guide and help you achieve the life you deserve!